Category: LifeHacks

  • Dicas para Comprar um Bom Laptop Baseado nas Suas Necessidades

    Escolher o laptop certo pode ser uma tarefa desafiadora, dado o vasto nรบmero de opรงรตes disponรญveis no mercado. No entanto, ao considerar suas necessidades especรญficas, vocรช pode encontrar o modelo ideal que atende ร s suas expectativas. Aqui estรฃo algumas dicas para ajudรก-lo a escolher o laptop perfeito. 1. Defina o Uso Principal O primeiro passo…

  • Dicas para Comprar uma Air Fryer

    As air fryers se tornaram um eletrodomรฉstico popular nas cozinhas de muitos brasileiros. Com a promessa de preparar alimentos mais saudรกveis e com menos รณleo, elas sรฃo uma excelente opรงรฃo para quem busca praticidade e uma alimentaรงรฃo mais equilibrada. Se vocรช estรก pensando em adquirir uma air fryer, confira algumas dicas importantes para fazer a…

  • Como Comprar Notebook Parcelado no Boleto em 2024

    Vocรช sonha em ter um Notebook novo, mas acha que isso vai estourar seu orรงamento? Prepare-se para descobrir como รฉ possรญvel comprar aquele Notebook dos sonhos e ainda pagar parcelado no boleto, sem complicaรงรฃo! Quer saber mais? Realizar uma pesquisa online nos links de tรณpicos relacionados abaixo o ajudarรก a encontrar os melhores resultados para…

  • How to make an exfoliating soap bar with only 2 ingredients

    Making scrubs on a regular basis is important to keep your skin soft and healthy. Doing it by using only natural, organic and eco-friendly products is even better. There are some key factors to find the best solution for you: By now we are aware that environmental sustainability can go along with body care.. So…

  • Values to pass on to children for them to be happy

    Maybe, the most important task that is set for all mankind is to pass on to new generations their own experiences, values and beliefs. These will help them untangle the difficulties of life, with the hope of making them better human beings. Parents, grandparents and teachers must be aware of 4 important values to pass…

  • Decorating your home with candles in an eco-friendly way

    Candles can lend any room a unique atmosphere. With the holiday season coming, many people will choose them to decorate the table, shelves or countertops of the house. Unfortunately, though we hardly think about it, even candles can pollute. Not just because of the packaging but also because of the very material from which they…

  • Christmas gifts: eco-friendly solutions for wrapping gifts

    To make your Christmas gifts even more special, you definitely need to equip them with a nice handwritten note on a card. Wrapping can also make a difference. Not only for the person receiving it but also for the planet. The holiday season is likely to be a triumph of consumerism. In addition to choosing…

  • Poinsettia: how to take care of it and make it bloom again

    The poinsettia is definitely the plant that is most often given as presents as Christmas approaches. Whether it’s a gift from a friend or a relative, this plant tends to meet a poor end once withered. Yet this is a pity, because poinsettia is able to bloom again, and it requires very little care indeed.…

  • Beeswax wrappers: an eco solution from the past

    Beeswax has been known and used for thousands years. We have made cosmetic treatments out of it, candles but also a tool for food preservation. Maybe indeed we have never really paid attention to it, but some kinds of cheeses have always been preserved in wax. For the past few years then, beeswax wrappers have…

  • Here are some bra tricks every woman should know

    Many women wear a bra every day, like a second skin. Some do it out of necessity, some out of habit, and some out of fashion. According to each case, every woman chooses the bra to wear based on her needs and looks for very specific characteristics. However, although there are different models, colors, sizes…