Category: Beauty

  • Sunscreens in winter: why we should protect our skin all year round

    We usually think it’s okay to start using sunscreens from about May until September. But actually, according to experts, we should use them throughout the year. Choosing the right sunscreens in winter is also important because it helps us delay the formation of skin imperfections. In addition, good cleansing facial skin is essential so that…

  • A beautiful skin after turning 50: Jennifer Lopez’s beauty secret

    How can the wonderful JLo have a glowing skin despite her 53 years of age? Let’s find out together what is her elixir of eternal youth.

  • DIY mouthwash with carrot tufts: how to make it in a few minutes

    Carrot tufts often end up in the garbage. Nothing could be far more wrong! Actually, if they are still fresh and green, they are edible, delicious in salads or as herbs for omelettes. They are also perfect for feeding the compost bin because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Today, however, we also let…

  • Top 10 most common shower mistakes

    Personal hygiene is a daily task for everyone, and a way to dedicate some time to yourself. However, some parts of your body need special care and attention. As a matter of fact, people often make some mistakes when taking a shower. Due to lack of time, we might not dedicate proper time or care…

  • Perfect smile? Tibetan monks got the best natural solution

    Tibetan monks have perfect white teeth: what’s their secret? Obviously, they do not use dentures or see dental technicians! As a matter of fact, they rely upon a certain kind of dietary habits that remove flour and refined sugars. The result? A perfect smile! The color of our teeth depends above all on what we…

  • Cracked heels: 10 natural remedies to solve the problem

    Dry, cracked heels are a problem as common as it is unpleasant. It affects many people, but nature offers the solution! By making homemade products and scrubs using only natural ingredients, you will breathe new life into your heels and alleviate pain or unpleasant negative effects. Why buy expensive creams? The solution is at your…

  • 10 original and classic hairstyles that will make you look younger

    The right hairstyle can be an amazing ally to achieve an anti-aging effect. Here are the best haircuts and hairstyles for you. Obviously, taking care of your skin and makeup is a key practice to make you look younger.

  • 10 simple tricks to whiten your nails

    Hands are a bit like a “business card”, so if you’ve been blessed with yellowish nails, the whole thing is pretty annoying.

  • Vinegar: 10 amazing beauty secrets

    Vinegar is one of the most useful cleanser, but it can be an amazing ally for our beauty routine too! In case of sunburn, cellulite or skin blemishes, there’s just one solution: vinegar.

  • 10 bad habits that make you look older: how to quit them right away

    Work, stress and many other causes often lead us to engage ourselves in poor life choices. Aging is obviously a normal process, but what about feelink and looking older than we actually are? Let’s begin quitting some bad habits, and greater results will follow!