Category: Wellness

  • Questi attori sono morti e forse non lo sapevi

    Il cinema e la televisione ci offrono la possibilitร  di vivere emozioni uniche e di viaggiare attraverso differenti epoche storiche. Attraverso le loro storie, possiamo immergerci in mondi diversi e sentire emozioni che altrimenti non avremmo mai provato. Ma i film e le serie televisive non hanno solo questa fantastica proprietร , hanno anche la capacitร …

  • I cibi sani che ti fanno dimagrire senza sacrifici

    La dieta non deve essere una tortura! Con un piano nutrizionale adeguato, puoi sentirti sazio e soddisfatto senza rinunciare al piacere del cibo. Esistono alcuni cibi sani che possono aiutarti a perdere peso senza doverti sottoporre a diete drastiche o seguire i consigli di sedicenti esperti. Il segreto per una dieta efficace รจ scegliere gli…

  • Going to bed feeling angry is bad for your health: here’s why

    A study carried out by Peking University suggests that going to bed with negative thoughts is bad for your health. The research points out that as you sleep, the brain reorganizes the way negative thoughts are memorized.

  • How to enjoy the holidays to the fullest and restore your energy

    The holiday season in most cases is connected with family reunions, and everyone also looks forward to this period to relax a little. To restore your energy you should try to enjoy the Holidays. Recently, after the end of restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, moving and traveling are also back in vogue with the…

  • The loss of a mother: how to cope with grief, despite age

    It doesn’t matter what age someone is. The death of a parent, and particularly the loss of a mother, is an overwhelming grief. For some people it is such a dark time it seems impossible to overcome. Yet death is an essential part of life. Why then is it so difficult to recover after such…

  • Exercising after work: here are what to do and how

    Office work leads to sitting many hours at a table at a desk and getting up only during the lunch break. Including exercises in your daily routine that you can do once you get home is necessary to relieve numb muscles. Practicing physical activity also improves blood circulation after many hours of stagnation, and relieves…

  • Magnesium deficiency: symptoms and causes enhancing this risk

    Magnesium is a vital mineral for the health of one’s body because it regulates blood pressure and muscle elasticity. Excessive deficiency of this mineral can lead to a variety of problems, with serious long-term consequences. Happily, several symptoms exist that act as alarm bells and give you a chance to take immediate action sooner. Magnesium…

  • What is people pleasing: symptoms and triggers of this condition

    People pleasing is the need to please others, to put others’ needs before one’s own, while sacrificing yourself. This type of disorder is widespread and is usually an indication of low self-esteem, and a symptom of depression. But it’s possible to get out of this toxic tunnel to return to valuing your one’s desires, learning…

  • Ears: the color of your earwax reveals how healthy you are

    Earwax is a waxy secretion produced by the sebaceous glands of the ear duct. Highly useful for our health, earwax protects the ears from dirt and ensures proper sound transmission through its lubricating action on the eardrum. The color of earwax, its consistency and the frequency with which it is produced can help you better…

  • Sleeping well: the pros and cons of every position you sleep in

    What is the best position for a good night’s sleep? This is the question you should ask yourself,because the number of hours and quality of our sleep affect the course of our day, responsiveness, anddaily well-being. Sleep is a physiological need that the body cannot live without. Sleeping well is another matter, though. For a…