Insomnia: here’s the secret to fall asleep in 1 minute

Are you suffering from insomnia or having a hard time falling asleep? Falling asleep in less than a minute is possible: the secret lies in training your brain and teaching it how to do it.

Dr. Andrew Weil has devised and tested a foolproof method by which you can fall asleep in seconds and spontaneously. If after tea, herbal teas, chamomile tea and various concoctions you still can’t sleep peacefully, try relaxing with Dr. Weil’s technique.

Why not give it a try? It would be best to avoid pills or medicine as long as you can. The method to follow is very simple, and can be put into practice by anyone. You just need to follow 4 simple steps:

1) How to get started

First, get into a comfortable position. The only thing you need to worry about is keeping your back straight. Also, during the exercise, you need the tip of your tongue to touch the back of your incisors and stay in that position. After that, start inhaling through your nose: count to 4 as you do it, and then to 7 while holding your breath. Finally, slowly exhale.

2) Inhaling and exhaling

The exercise consisting of inhaling, holding the breath and exhaling should be repeated in all about three times. Doing a quick calculation, the three cycles are completed within one minute. Over time the process will come to you automatically. This technique pioneered by Dr. Weil aims to make everyone understand how to manage their bodies differently. It is, therefore, about getting in tune with one’s body, which is stressed by everyday routine.

3) How it works

The principle by which breath regulation promotes sleep against insomnia is still unclear. Basically, anxiety and stress result in the release of large amounts of adrenaline (the hormone that makes us agitated) into the blood. This leads to increased heart rate and more agitated breathing, with shorter inhalation and exhalation intervals. Dr. Weil’s technique ensures that your respiratory system can tune into the right rhythm.

4) Sleep and breathing

In other words, it’s like training your breathing to a calmer rhythm. In this way, your body will store more oxygen in the inhalation and breath-holding phases. With exhalation, on the other hand, you will expel large amounts of carbon dioxide. As you can imagine, the result will be greater physical efficiency; the heart will slow its beat and the body will be able to relax.

Please note: If you think you are suffering from a severe form of insomnia, you should consult a doctor. If, however, it is something occasional, try this method.