Perfect smile? Tibetan monks got the best natural solution

Tibetan monks have perfect white teeth: what’s their secret? Obviously, they do not use dentures or see dental technicians! As a matter of fact, they rely upon a certain kind of dietary habits that remove flour and refined sugars. The result? A perfect smile!

The color of our teeth depends above all on what we eat, in addition to such habits as drinking coffee and smoking, but not only. In Tibet, even older people can count on a shiny and healthy mouth.

You can’t expect to impose a monk’s life on yourself to prevent your teeth from yellowing, but it seems that their perfect teeth owe their success to a really special toothpaste. You won’t find it in supermarkets, indeed. As a matter of fact, you can easily prepare it by yourself.

Here is the recipe and ingredients, let’s see how it works:

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