Here’s why you should drink lemon water every morning

A good day starts from a good morning, because it could be a new opportunity to do something differently. As soon as we open our eyes, we can determine how we’ll face the challenges of the day.

Doing some yoga, having a healthy breakfast, or even a different alarm tone can set the rythm of your day. Whether you’re a morning person or not, starting off on the right foot it’s not that hard; you just need to follow some useful tricks, such as waking up earlier or going for a morning walk.

Let’s start by a very simple habit you’d easily adopt for your morning routine: drinking lemon water. As already known, lemon contains calcium and vitamin C, in addition to depurative properties.

Remember to drink it on an empty stomach, avoiding cold water. As a matter of fact our body needs more time and energy to process it.

Let’s discover top 10 benefits of drinking lemon water every morning:

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